Team effectiveness

At the core of every effective team is a solid base of trust. This applies to newly formed teams as well as to experienced teams who have worked together for some time in the field. Even when circumstances, assignments or compositions change, it is vital to build and maintain that basis of trust. Building trust as a leader requires engaging in attentive listening, creating space for diversity and respecting each team member’s contribution. How do you create a safe space for open dialogue within your team?

Action Counteraction

What if things run differently to how you expected? When trust within a team is lacking or unsteady, communication can become quite challenging. Every action will elicit a counteraction. It often shows as a negative reflex, that can quickly knock your team off course or send progress backwards.

What unspoken expectations are present? What is ‘unfinished business’ in the team? Improving team effectiveness begins with taking space and creating space for others. It is about empathic listening with full attention and respect. When teams take the time to explore their underlying values and intentions, they are better able to create an environment of awareness and understanding.

Building effective teams

When teams take the time to explore their underlying values and intentions, they are better able to create an environment of awareness and understanding. These conversations help you identify how each team member can and wants to contribute to the team. We help you to uncover the unique talents present in your team and what team members need from each other to fully benefit from this diversity.

By building trust and facilitating open dialogues, you can support your team in discovering how they can, in turn, empower and support one another.


Everyone in the team is responsible for the dynamics and the team process. The team leader has an important role to play in facilitating this process, that we highlight in our approach.

We help you create an environment for working effectively together as a team, with open interaction, sharing of constructive feedback and courageous conversations.

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